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Old 2019-04-11, 15:29   Link #24
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
At this point the best way for this to make sense is what you said. I'd the church is the most likely culprit, what with Idol making a point to show his cross. They're also the only one with enough influence over the masses, including the nobles and the soldiers, to carry that out. The true mastermind is probably Myne though, she's just using them to get what she wants. And they in turn probably think they're using her.
Hmm, my take is a bit different. Myne does not seem to be clever enough to be the mastermind but yes, she may be the driving force behind the events. Catalyst of sort. But to catalyze you need reagents, what are they?
Spoiler for Probably overthinking the plot, maybe spoiler:

So the question for me does Myne just got lucky with the situation or is there someone else pulling the strings behind the scene? Realistically I'd say first but there is matter of waves. Strange factor that makes no sense for me. May be there is still more than meets the eye.
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