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Old 2019-04-11, 09:55   Link #20
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Originally Posted by frodonk View Post
He was invading a fellow noble's territory, it shouldn't have been that easy!
Depends on his power and influence. Considering the current political environment he's probably got a fair degree of influence, and if he'd gotten some inkling that Melty might be there, he'd have prerogative. The guy appears to run a fairly small, largely rural territory, and with his unpopular position he probably couldn't just stand against him and refuse entry or anything. It'd just give him more fuel to claim some sort of collusion. It's all a matter of how much political power and prestige he has. There certainly are some who can throw their weight around like that. Especially if they have some sort of background of achievements to further bolster their position.

Nao commented something about how the stealth skill of the skinny guy was not normal, since he crept up on them without Nao noticing, but yeah, he got captured that easily. Sure, he might've been taken by surprise, but why point out the stealth skill of that guy if he's not going to use it??
To protect Naofumi and Melty. If he saves his own backside, he leaves Naofumi and Melty defenseless in a position where even if they escape they'll still pinpoint their location and thus their route. No matter how things work out they'd be in even more danger. Not to mention that Melty is in the hands of a man who at the very least BELIEVES he has enough power to get away with anything up to and including killing a princess whose political position is inconvenient to him and framing a guy who he can't confirm was present (though the top-ranking nobles will automatically believe and insist must have been). Escaping would be worse for her yet again.

Not to mention his people. If he fled, this could be used against him to push him out much faster than if he stood up for himself and claimed no knowledge of the Shield's presence. Flight would be taken as confirmation of guilt and leave his people in a very vulnerable state, while enduring this torment and insisting no involvement gives him a better chance at maintaining his position and thus protecting everyone.

If her own older sister tried to kill her because she's with the shield hero, and even claimed that she was brainwashed and threw fireballs at her, how can she trust some other noble to safely take her to the king? They were all together with Nao when they met the skinny guy, but it's a different situation when she's all alone with the fat guy and there's nobody around to protect her, not to mention if Myne suddenly shows up and Melty's turned over to her!

The noble attacked the skinny guy's mansion because he was looking for the shield hero, and she already knew Myne planted some fake news about how Nao burned down the forest to cover their tracks and that Nao brainwashed Melty, so it isn't a stretch for her to conclude that the fat guy was in on the plot and that he might just kill her, regardless of whether he's acting under the orders of Myne or not.
There's a huge difference between believing in one bad apple who deceives others, tricks them into colluding with her and does what she wants and recognizing that the nobility is filled with people who are just as bad. And it takes even more to believe that a noble would be so very arrogant, sure of his security and determined to get what he wants that he'd risk raising a hand against her. She recognizes that there's a bad apple in the government and some negative prejudices, she doesn't recognize that there are people like this.

Again, I thought the point of all this hiding was so they couldn't find Melty because Myne/Malty was trying to kill her, and that they don't know who to trust, then suddenly she comes out in the open, confirming their location and at the same time makes it easier for Myne to dispose of her.
That was Naofumi's goal. Melty wanted to protect him and secure the party's safety more. She wanted them to just pack up and run while she took a shot that Idol would take her to the king (again she knows her sister's a bad person, but not that there's tons of others just as bad), not for them to just hide long enough to regroup and come to her rescue.
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