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Old 2019-04-10, 16:41   Link #9
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
I believe Reichnott has a connection to the previous lord or something. And as for Idol's presence, it was already mentioned that the moment the king got a little bit of authority he used it to move pro-demi-human nobles to places where they'd have no power or influence and replaced them with people like that. I'd imagine that's at least why someone that blatant has a position so close to Reichnott's manor and apparently has enough power to pull stunts like this. King's prejudice is strong enough to tread the boundary between taking liberties while watching things for his wife and complete hostile takeover. How much would you bet the moment the queen comes home a whole lot of those recently-promoted nobles will find themselves demoted and/or arrested?
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