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Old 2019-04-10, 11:17   Link #3
Master of Killing Time
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Makinohara Service Area
And suddenly we have a tragic heroine backstory arc!

I don't know if I'm not paying attention every episode or whatever but I can't really understand why some of the characters here do what they do.

First off, that's one mighty coincidence, they find themselves in friendly territory, got some rest, and then suddenly the fat guy from somewhere decides to invade and "arrest" their ally the next day! Really?? On what basis, it's not like Nao and the others were seen around that mansion! Not only that, he has a past with Raphtalia! Small world! And finally, the skinny guy who's supposed to be a noble only has 2 maids with him? No soldiers/bodyguards? While that other guy has a small army? Really???

Then I thought they were all running away from the murderous bi Myne but suddenly Melty wants that other nobleman to take her to the capital? I know they wouldn't have been able to escape if not for that ruse Melty came up with, but what if something happened to her between getting captured and Nao infiltrating the castle? Did she forget that the soldiers directly under the king tried to run a sword through her days ago?

The fat guy already did something illegal by arresting and torturing a fellow lord, so what's stopping him from doing the same to Melty? It just doesn't make any sense because I thought the whole thing was to prevent Myne from finding out where Melty was???
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