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Old 2019-04-06, 00:27   Link #18
Cosmic Eagle
Join Date: Jan 2009
Originally Posted by OH&S View Post
Aaand into the trash heap this season goes. I don't even think I want an adaptation of New Testament anymore. If they threaten us with a new anime season, I want Nishikiori and JC Staff to keep their dirty hands away from it. At this point they've proven that they either don't understand don't care about what made this series special and resilient for the past 15 years such that its consistently stayed in the top 10-15 in terms of popularity. Shame on them all.
I am quite certain JC has exclusive rights to this title unfortunately. Am honestly dreading New Testament anime now (I was sure they would screw this season up but this went beyond expectations. Watching the various MADs of this season's volumes on Nico/YT from years back was a much better experience than this)

Originally Posted by serenade_beta View Post

...This was horrible. What is really sad is that up until I watched this pile of s***, my impression of JC Staff is
"At worst, something average"

Which really makes me wonder what went wrong here. I personally think what happened is that they wanted to make anime of a bunch of spinoffs, so they used this 3rd season as a scapegoat of sorts.

Anyways, as for season 3... There just wasn't anything good.

...The first cour was especially. Not even average. Just plan, noticeably, obviously bad.
Especially facepalming at when that boobs girl did this weird repeated motion.

So why did they change the SE of Imagine Breaker? Did some new guy come into the staff and say "I'm soooooo much beeeetttteiiierrrr at making SE. Let's replace the old ones with my sexy jet engine SE!"

Even Glasslip had one or two episodes that didn't leave a question mark on my head.

Okay, I know the original LN is pretty bad too, but I think at least half of the responsibility of why not a single episode was really understandable belongs to the anime.

First of all,
-Explanation of what is going on
-Explanation of why the characters can do what they do
-Fanservice and "comedy"

For some reason, the most important aspect of the story, the top one, is completely ignored and all of the time is spent on the two parts that don't really matter.
At this point, they could just have the author pop out of the screen and go
This character can do this... because I am god and I say they can
When I listen to the characters give long explanations of their power, I am reminded of when in elementary school
I use Barrier!
I use a sword that pierces through barriers!
No, my barrier negates piercing of barriers!
It's not more of an explanation than it is self-pleasuring excuses.
Now, if the story was interesting or fun to watch, that could be ignored to an extent, but it isn't, so...

And I think the story is just rushed in the anime too. Rushing already makes it hard to understand, but when you rush what is already bad? It's not a good chemical reaction.
For some reason, it was hard to even keep track of one story, yet they have the nerves to proceed with like... three stories at once.
And behold?! Lesser Panda devil girl thing faints and un-faints between scenes, Touma can survive freezing temperatures, Accelerator sprouts wings only to be next scene captured, "Let's check if it is off" "Click!", godman guy is still alive even though long-hair wants him dead...
It's stupid! Just... stupid!

Oh, and lol, they are still introducing new characters at the end.
Boy, your computer is already full and its performance is degrading thanks to it. Clean it up before you download some new files.
But is it worse than Kemono Friends 2?

Last edited by Cosmic Eagle; 2019-04-06 at 00:37.
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