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Old 2019-04-05, 23:43   Link #17
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Join Date: Jun 2015

So much for the savior, frail as fucking crystal. Yep, when you do Aleister stand up in his two foot, you know that the shit is real. I think they make a good job in show that there is something bizarre about Aleister, well aside the mention of that he is at the same time that is here kicking ass he's also in his tube in AC.

You think you have seen all of Hamazura? see you in NT.

Actually I giggled a little in White Winged Accelerator. I don't imagine him so...DI-VI-NE.

Ollerus was fine. But we had to sacrifice Gunha for that goddamit.

Actually I think something was changed, I kinda remember Fiamma mentioning the amnesia while Index was in John Penn, but I maybe I wrong, so much time has passed.

Actually I appreciate they show the outcome of the battle with Gabriel. I don't know how to feel about the last scene. I suppose they didn't want to finish in a grim note for who-know how many years.

Overall the quality of the season has been average at best as a whole but I prefer this to nothing after so many years. That's my opinion. That's right, I'm a novel reader, but if I wasn't, I would be pretty lost half of time. That makes me thing this is aimed mainly to novel readers, that or JC suck ass.

The problem is that is so much content to adapt and little will to do so. Railgun III and Accelerator shouldn't have this problem if they think of adapt 1 manga arc + filler arc.

Definitely Gabriel has seen better days. Someone can think for a moment what a shitty day has been for the poor angel?

- You are dragged to earth for Super Christian dude cosplaying as their brother for fucking unclear reasons.
- You are forced to follow command and everyone fucking try to kill you, that includes armies, 2 royal babe blondes with legendary swords, a white dude and a strange abomination similar to yourself.
- You don't even have your full power and are forced to fight in 50% and for the summon you have more bugs than fucking Windows 10.
- Even worst, when you are winning a dude similar to the son of the boss and cosplaying as yourself somewhat reduces even more your power and are forced to use Explosion.
- You recover your full power only to being rammed for the fucking giant fortress.
- You are punched in the face and forced back home.

Pretty sure he/she would be anxiously waiting for the next order of cleaning.
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