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Old 2019-04-05, 01:18   Link #35
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
My guess is that she's not really "out to get" Naofumi. She just saw him as a very useful pawn, a villain that thanks to religion would be immediately assumed guilty. Having a villain to fight could be quite convenient to various schemes, as we've seen here with her trying to use him as a scapegoat for her assassination attempt and then as an excuse to make her sister into collateral damage. It just happens that she needs him to remain full of hate and rage to maintain this image, and any trust given to him or success gained by him endangers her. She set him as a scapegoat and as such every time he gets the better of her it's further undermining her plans. That and she's definitely the kind of person who pulled the wings off butterflies as a child and then enjoyed watching the ants get them.

As for the religion, again this is a mostly-human and significantly human-supremacist nation sitting right up next to a large nation that's apparently equally or more demi-human-supremacist. It'd be like if Nazi Germany was right next to a Jewish nation that wanted to exterminate all Gentiles. At the very least one can assume there'd been friction (wall also supports this). Given then the present of an actual potential threat made up of demi-humans coupled with the preexisting hate of the race, it doesn't seem that strange that over generations efforts would be made to change the church and make it demonize the one hero who allied himself with them. It's all a matter of whether this is something that happens every two or three decades (as someone suggested at some point) or two or three centuries (or more). If it's the former it'd be a little odd since memory of a good guy carrying the Shield would still be fresh, but if it's the latter it'd make sense that things would shift in a politically-charged church.
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