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Old 2019-04-04, 13:39   Link #31
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Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Italy
This might be true considering his distrust of the royal family, but all he had to do was dump melty with her mother once they see her, much like how he interacts with the king when he's summoned, he doesn't stay long, does what's needed to do then leaves.
Well, if Naofumi doesn't believe that the queen is as nice as she sounds, the next logical step is thinking that she might not let him leave so easily.
Again probably because he distrusts the royal family, but all this time he'd never done things without a reward, so running away from the queen because she might ask for something in return is somewhat uncharacteristic for him.
We know that he doesn't want to be involved with the royal family, and he very likely view himself as the one who should be entitled compensations for the wrongs he suffered,not the o Reno has to give a reward for a favor.
It's possible that he had considered her help but so far the queen hasn't directly helped him yet (aside from sending Melty, maybe) so why go to where the queen is when nothing might happen once they're there?
That's very possible, too.
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