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Old 2019-04-03, 16:31   Link #16
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Join Date: Aug 2013
The new Opening isn't as exciting or as fist-pumping as "Rise," but it's pretty solid. Looks like we can expect someone new from Filo's race (?), a scholar character, some new Demi-Humans, some sea battles, and a scythe hero (?) for this new cour as we watch the continuing adventures of the Shield Hero and his party (now including Melty) .

Just great (Bill Kametz reference for the win). Just as Naofumi is building his life back up and restoring his reputation as a hero while finding some modicum of peace, Myne comes back in and ruins everything by framing him and making him public enemy #1 .

It's nice to see Naofumi was willing to defend and protect Melty with no promise of any kind of reward, especially considering he previously wanted nothing to do with her because she was royalty. I guess watching her almost get killed by her own knights was enough to convince him that she's not in league with her father and sister .

"Zweit Aqua Slash!" I swear Rikka Takanashi said something almost exactly like that. Or if not, she probably would have .

As if Motoyasu being an arrogant idiot wasn't enough, then he has to go ahead and start creeping on Filo. The only disappointing thing about Filo punching him was that she didn't do it in the balls again .

So Ren is the only other Hero who Naofumi seems to have any kind of faith or real rapport with, probably helped by the fact that Ren was the only one there who seemed to be willing to be fair to him and not completely buy Myne's BS. Will he be able to help our heroes by discovering what's going on with the Three Heroes church, or continue to be as ineffectual as the other heroes have been on this show ?

Man, I thought Myne was pretty bad before but it's becoming more and more apparent how much of a psycho she is. To think she would go so far to kill her sister and ruin Naofumi, all the while smiling and giggling so evilly. Is it any wonder the queen didn't want her to rule the kingdom ?

Raphtalia stabbing Myne with her magic sword was satisfying. Not as satisfying as punch to the face, but it'll do .

So the group's new goal is to find the queen, who from all accounts is, if not particularly on Naofumi's side, is someone he can reasonably discuss with and count on being fair to him. And since her authority dwarfs the king and Malty, she can hopefully clear his name as well. Man, if only the queen had been around when the four Heroes were first summoned, or the king had done as she asked, things seem like they would've been pretty different .

Poor Raphtalia. Melty joins the party and is already on a first-name basis with Naofumi, and she's acting like a tsundere about it so take from that what you will .

I really like the new Ending. The visuals and music are very soothing and the imagery of Raphtalia and Naofumi together is very sweet .
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