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Old 2019-03-21, 07:23   Link #82
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Originally Posted by XFire View Post
Yes, he could.

Issei vaporized a mountain. As in it ceased to exist. A nuclear bomb might be able to collapse the top of an average mountain by detonating on the surface, or shatter part of it by detonating inside. But vaporizing something requires exponentially more energy than either of those. No human weapon possesses a tenth of that firepower.
How can a mountain cease to exist consider it's not a living being?

Again you're still saying the power output of Issei's Dragon Shot in Volume 2 surpasses that of a nuclear warhead and the only evidence you're using is that he was able to vaporize earth. But again can he destroy a city with that blast? If not then the power output doesn't come close to that of a nuclear warhead.

Again you're still trying to say that Issei contains more firepower in base than a nuclear warhead. Do you hear how ridiculous that sounds?
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