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Old 2019-01-07, 20:37   Link #92
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Originally Posted by Neki Ecko View Post
Here is the reason, because of that little stunt that happen with the false rape charge, one huge problem arose from that.

As long that he is around, nobody will believe in him or party with him out of the respect for the royal house. Heck, look at all the trouble that happen because of that, its really hard to respect those folks that going to doubt him even know they don't even know him. You can tell by the reactions of the townfolks, shopkeepers and etc.

Shieldbro had his reason why he choose the way he did (mostly into novel range) besides if you were him, would you deal with people like them. Heck, I would move on into a place that nobody knows me.

My question is why a rape charge? That should either be a death sentence or him being locked away until the sun itself burned out. Yet, they just leave him out to be outcast? There is a literal crisis where your world has come under threat and so you summon four powerful assets to help deal with that. You then proceed to ignore, spy, spread rumors, steal from, accuse of rape, humiliate, and toss out that one of said said asset in possession of a legendary item....

Are you out of your mind?

On the other hand, I do like how the other three heroes pointed out after being summoned the flaws with them being called in and no promises they could get back. They immediately hit on one of the major flaws with Isekai by questioning what would come after the fighting. I'm kind of with them here in wanting some guarantees before I put my life on the line.
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