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Old 2019-01-07, 18:50   Link #87
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Slavery in isekai for the most part is basically something feisthized by people who have no idea what slavery actually was. The worst part is slave apologists who do know come out of woodwork to defend MCs who willing in engage it because they are nice to their properties. Some cases like Diablo in "How to Not Summon a Demon Lord" was least forced in to it by circumstances beyond their control as I understood it.

That said, to be fair there is much worse than SH went it comes to this area in the genre.

Originally Posted by ~Yami~ View Post
the problem is.... the kingdom is matriarchy... which means that crime against women would bring a huge bias to the law system
it is not that comparable to what we think

in several upcoming episodes, we would see more explanation about the system in the kingdom.. There are several issues about why this case is handled like that
Not to put you specifically on the spot, but comments like this why some people have a problem with the false rape accusation inconjuction the kingdom being stated to be matriarchy. The framing puts the blame system and women in general rather than individual which has lead people wonder about authors views on women. The issue should be the lack of due process which is inherent to neither power structures. It's not doing the show any favors if this is the kind of thing it wants it's audinece to think.

Last edited by Applehell; 2019-01-07 at 20:12.
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