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Old 2019-01-07, 00:34   Link #70
Born to ship
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Texas
Every series is going to have haters. There are plenty of people who disagree, including people who don't care for isekai in general. It's all a matter of taste I guess. Some may feel that some parts are too over-done or not explained well enough, and some may feel that things are emphasized just enough to create a compelling plot. What I can say is that this will definitely be far better than Smartphone and a lot of other recent isekai series (not that I disliked Smartphone, it's quite enjoyable even if it's fairly average). True enough, the other three heroes' initial attitude is a little contrived; I myself don't really understand why all of them were that quick to take the stance they took, though I don't find it terribly difficult to believe that they may take on such a viewpoint after the missing initial shock. And true, the story puts the hero in a very dark place, bad enough that some might feel it's contrived or hard to believe, bad enough that his survival depends on him doing things some may find repugnant (like owning a slave). I'd just say give it a few episodes, a few more than the standard three, and get a real feel for the series before buying into the standard batch of haters.
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