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Old 2019-01-02, 13:45   Link #31
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Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
I did say it's not about misogyny, didn't I? All I critised are wet dream of silly teenager. That author is able get some characters right, doesn't mean all of them are. Mirelia is of course pretty great.
I disagree. It's exactly the characters that the author got right. The problem of this series is that the story is only so-so (though based on the manga the LN seems to have improved on the WN quite a bit) and that the writing in general has very big flaws, escpacially in regards to plot induced stupidity. Just to give a few examples:

- Naofumi played an MMO before coming to the new world but he sometimes acts like he never played any video games in his entire life or doesn't even appear to understand what a game even is, just to "contrast" him and his real-world view as opposed to the "this is a game world!" view of the other heroes

- How no one managed to connect the dots in regards to the legendary weapon improvement methods to be interchangable during their first hero conference just because their respective "help menues" didn't say it makes every single one of the four heroes look like complete and utter idiots, including Naofumi himself

- The Slavery seals become obsolete whenever the plot demands it, which means that every time some form of mindcontrol is used on one of the slaves the slavery seals just conveniently stop functioning so that the game-like "confusion" or "rage" status effect can apply to any slaves as well without them just being instantly knocked out by the slavery seal instead

- No characters EVER check if someone they "killed" is actually dead, though I guess the saving grace is that this kind of plot induced stupidity doesn't just exclusively apply to the protagonist's team, but also to antagonists at times

Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Also I don't think any personal experience of characters should warrant this or could make it more tasteful
I don't think the slavery stuff has any actual impact on the story other than the initial bit with Raphtalia and the "correction effect" of the slavery shield later on. If there is any section in particular that was distasteful other than that, please point it out.

Last edited by GreyZone; 2019-01-02 at 14:04.
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