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Old 2006-07-27, 06:44   Link #40
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Originally Posted by BlackCatXIII
I'm personally wondering who the angel that helped Niwe is... and what the heck was he up to...
Definitely up to no good.. to be able to stand aside and let (and maybe even encourage) Niwe in his crazy endeavors.

Hey if he is related to the followers of Witarnemitea (u know, the "peacekeepers" in Hakuoro's harem) because of having wings too, then he may:

(1) represent a priest of that other "true" god, Onbitaekayan, and be interested in either 1. restoring Hakuoro if H is really that god, or 2. interested in destroying H if he is the "rebel" Witarnemitea

(2) or be a rouge priest of the "rebel" Witarnemitea that knows the truth. And be interested in either restoring H, or in destroying H if the true god.

Hell, in the vein of Scrapped Princess, I think we will actually see that other god. (again assuming H is one of the two.)

And I put true and rebel in "" because all we have now is Kuuya's word, cant really be trusted as yet. They actually did a similar theme in Scrapped Princess ~ followers of a "true" god versus those of the "false", "evil" god. Hahaha.. the similarities to SP.

(3) Then again, he may be a freeloader, hoping to use and control Hakuoro as Niwe wanted. And yes he better not violate Eruruu. Or Aruruu. Or Mukuru.

Last edited by Lost; 2006-07-27 at 07:02.
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