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Old 2018-10-24, 17:44   Link #38869
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Whittier, Southern CA
Age: 34
So, I've come up with a couple of StrikerS story ideas that I'm too busy to write and (more importantly) don't believe I could write well, and I'm putting them up for 'adoption' here if anybody wants to try either of them.

First is a kinda basic idea: what if, during StrikerS, Teana and Erio develop a 'big sister & little brother' bond? Just a cute, innocent sibling bond, with Tia's nurturing instincts waking up due to having the sweet little baby brother she'd sometimes imagined having, while Erio becomes cutely attached to his onée-chan. Just a little what-if.

The other idea has a bit more thought put into it. While the gang is inspecting or transporting a Lost Logia of unknown function, little 5-year-old Vivio absent-mindedly dwells on how she loves her mamas, but she kinda wonders what it would be like if she had other kids closer to her in age to interact with and stuff. ...And she's in close enough proximity to the LL that it reacts to her wishes and activates. As a result, Subaru & Teana are turned into 5-year-olds, with Erio & Caro turned into 3-year-olds! Nanoha and Fate, being the motherly people they are, decided to take the quartet in and look after them until the Logia's effects either get undone or wear off on their own, with little Vivio happy to have two playmates her age AND a cute baby bro & baby sis to help look after! Highlights of the story would include Erio & Caro being super-cute together, and maybe the age-regressed Teana's issues over the deaths of her parents & brother being amplified by her younger age and reduced emotional control, leaving Nanoha-mama & Fate-mama to try to help widdle Tia deal with the pain and loneliness she's been suppressing in a healthy manner (which includes lots of cuddles).
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