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Old 2018-10-03, 13:54   Link #41
An... Historian OOOH-
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Nyan Nyan's
Age: 37
Okay. I'll bite. This is off topic btw, I already explained what I would like in a Delta2 movie.

Making contact with other remnants of the Protoculture was a way for humanity to expand and survive. Connecting through culture etc. was one of the main reason for Megaroad-1 to go on its mission.

Tak knows numbers better than me, but: the Zentreadi nuked the Earth and only a small portion of humanity survived. Humans made peace with only a small faction of the Zentreadi, there are still many-many factions out there and they are a threat. Not just to humans and their Zentreadi allies, but other smaller groups created by the Protoculture. The people of Zola, Ragna, those cat people etc. A united allience is needed for survival. We've seen encounters both rogue factions (M7) and rebelling factions (Galia IV). There is a place to explore corruption in it's ranks, but this was not the way.

The Wind were willing to accept the tech from the Nuns. But unlike other species, they didn't want to give anything in return and this goes waaaay back to their supperiority complex. A belief that was crushed once they realized that not only were they not alone, they kinda sucked in every way except strength. The runes just drain their lives.

Nuns have been looking for allies and gave tech in exchange for stuff like soldiers joining them. The Wind had one thing the others in their cluster did not have. A material that can be used as a weapon of mass destruction. They wanted to profit off of this, Grace used this to destroy Galia IV and used the Vajra, the species producing FQ to mind rape the galaxy. We know the Protoculture experimented with this concept for several reasons, but most importantly:
- The Bird Human in Macross Zero was based on the Vajra Queen
The Sigur Valens in Delta uses the same mind rape tech Grace used via the Vajra Queen in Frontier. The runes are similar to the Vajra hivemind. It's not only easy to put 2 and 2 together, it's spelled out in the series.

Anyway my point is that: Due to millions of hostile Zentreadi out there and the Protodevlin incident, Nuns were right to look for allies. Wind were not right to take everything offered for granted and free of charge. Never mind feeling above everyone else, which they did.
Nuns were right to restrict fold quartz distribution in between allies after the events is Frontier. They owed nothing in exchange. That Gramia was willing to sell out to terrorists to dig out the Sigur Vallens was a valid concern, he lived up to that and they used it to cause mass genocide on a planet that had nothing to do with the attack on their home.
Tl;dr Nuns made contact, like with others in the cluster. Wind accepted tech etc. but was unwilling to pay the price. They went further when they started a war over selling a material that could cause mass destruction. Everyone was fine with mind raping Al Shahal and using Mikumo, against her will, to mind rape and kill thousand when the Nuns took action.
I know what Kawamori wanted here. We get it. He screwed up. The Wind are not the victims here.
I'm really off now. Bye.

Last edited by Matts; 2018-10-03 at 15:53.
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