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Old 2006-07-26, 03:08   Link #38
of Porsche
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Pasadena, California
Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Lost
From Episode 17.

Has anyone thought if this apparant dispute (as told by Kuuya) between Onbitaekayan (the "true" Onkami) and Witarnemitea (the rebel) could relate personally to Hakuoro. I say so because that mention of such a dispute reminded me of the dragons in OP/ED which reminded me of Hakuoro. Simply put, Hakuoro could be either of them; possibly Onbitaekayan; having been displaced to lesser form and losing his memory.
That idea rang through my mind when I watched episode 17 the second time around slowly and grasped all the technical aspects of it. There's no denying that something is up with Hakuoro. I hate to support Niwe with his crazy laugh, but he is a beast. :|

Whether his existance extends further to "spiritual proportions" or not wouldn't be very far from the truth. If you look at things logically, we've heard nothing about Hakuoro's past. Since he has temporaily manifested himself as a creature twice in these 17 episodes, and there's no reports of strange beasts or magic in the Utawarerumono universe (only gods), one could assume he is either Onbitaekayan or Witarnemitea. If this theory is true (and so far there's nothing to contridict it), it is my personal belief that he is the rebellious god Witarnemitea.

I justify this by looking at a curious analogy. Isn't it a strange coincidence how Kuuya's story of the Onkami is partially remenicient with what Hakuoro did to the country of Tousukuru? He rebelled and took the throne. So did Witarnemitea. There's only 9 episodes left in the series. If this speculation turns out wrong, they must be preparing for a huuuuuuge climax.

The dragon-like things in the OP/ED signify something important for them to be in the OP/ED at all (especially in the ED, where they dominate its entire duration). If me, Lost, and other peoples' theory holds true - that Hakuoro is a god - then the mural we glimpse in the ending credits might possibly be Hakuoro...possibly. Which one is he? The red or the blue? My guess is he is the blue entity on the left. He is the first figure we see when the ending credits start to roll. Plus he has a person wrapped around his left arm - most likely Eruruu. In the mural, the person wrapped in an arm wears red, and so does Eruruu. You can't say it's Aruruu because the only red she wears is her obi. If it's Eruruu, it would make a lot of sense. I could be very mistaken though.

Questions still remain about the ED: who is the winged character in the center of the mural? Who is the red entity on the right? Seriously, as many of us might have predicted, the stakes in Utawarerumono are getting higher and higher with every episodee.

The strange winged individual we saw in episodes 13-15 reminds me a lot of Kuja from Final Fantasy IX. His stoic nature and cold look suggests that he is a villian far greater than Orikakan or Niwe ever was, and he will be the one in conflict in the climatic moments of the series. He better not kidnap and violate my precious Eruruu or there will be hell to pay!
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