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Old 2018-09-27, 20:50   Link #19
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Originally Posted by endlessabyss View Post
Well, charles883 sort of did --if not, started the conversation. From what gather was a simply a explanation/provided context on charles883's claim about the NUNS officer being corrupted from the TV series.
Um. No. You and Matts obviously did not read charles883's post. He never said anything about requiring explanation on the reasons why the N.U.N.S officer was corrupt in the first place; he simply questioned if the person would pop up as an enemy or side threat in the next movie, which is likely...

This goes without saying but... don't insert words into other people's mouths. You and Matts read charles883's post wherein he mentioned the corrupt N.U.N.S officer as a potential enemy in the new movie as charles883 desiring an explanation for the guy as if not comprehending his motives in the TV series... and he never said anything like that in his post (I double-checked during typing my original post).

The Frontier bit of Matts post is a little justified on their part. However, while I do agree with charles883 a little because even as Matts argues SDF-1 and other entries in the franchise, they rarely ever bring those up in an argument outside of Frontier; it's still a justified argument of "hey, we've been around longer than you." The reply I'd give is "then bring those to the plate more often because it feels like you only compare Delta's flaws to that of Frontier."

But none of the post ever warranted Matts obvious agitation with charles883 because he never implied he needed an explanation of the plot revolving around said character.

Originally Posted by endlessabyss View Post
Enemy: Perhaps Lady M? And the Chao's organization? Who has a beef with the NUNS? Using the Winderemere for their own purpose? We haven't heard much from them, so I think this might be a good opportunity to introduce them as villains.
This kind of goes back to my Frontier argument earlier about Galaxy and the Vajra...

Because while Chaos and Lady M could and should be the main focus of the new story, the likelihood is (at least based on the TV series story) N.U.N.S will be a big focus too if the bombing of Windermere and Hayate's dad still applies in movie verse, who knows if it will. It's possible it'll be a new enemy too, and we'll never know about Lady M.

It's a bit like Frontier's movies:
Me: "I'm so done with learning about the Vajra, I'm ready to focus on Galaxy."
Kawamori: "Nope. The Vajra will need screen time alongside the trio and also Galaxy."
Me: "So Galaxy is still gonna be the big villain who doesn't rear their ugly head till the 2nd movie and get hardly any time for you to really care about this transition?"
Kawamori: "Yep. Pretty much."

In short, it's happened before in Macross...

Originally Posted by endlessabyss View Post
Out of concern of realizing that Freyja is withering away --the TV series and the first movie keeps mentioning Freyja's skin condition which seems like a good chance to create the whole drama-- and the deep relationship between Freyja and Hayate, Mirage confesses to Hayate to move on. Of course, she's rejected. This leaves Hayate, who also knows about the skin condition, and Freyja to have their final moments with each other.
I'm not gonna comment on everything else because it's likely... but this bit is actually solved in the first movie. If you watched it subbed, they explain that destroying what Roid is hooked up to will slow down Windermere's aging issue. And in the finale moments where Hayate and Mirage flies over, you see a big portion of Freyja's crystallization fade off. (Heinz too.) So this has been somewhat solved in the movie.
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