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Old 2018-09-27, 17:10   Link #18
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Originally Posted by HirouKeimou View Post

In their defense, none of charles883's post had anything about this at all.
Well, charles883 sort of did --if not, started the conversation. From what gather was a simply a explanation/provided context on charles883's claim about the NUNS officer being corrupted from the TV series.


Anyways, back to the thread's topic...

Originally Posted by HirouKeimou View Post

Two things are concerning me about this movie right now:


2) What will be our enemy this time? Because Windermere is now entering peace talks so unless someone blows up their planet again or something, they're likely not the focus (in any form) of the movie. So it begs a question of who or what will be their enemy going forward?

Also, albeit smaller concern for this bit: The love triangle.
Basically it's been concluded as far as I could tell. I'm a little worried it'll be like SDF-1 to Macross 7, wherein Max and Millia divorced in order to build drama (let's not pretend they didn't belong together, okay?). And I'm not positive it'll be a good idea to split Hayate and Freyja for drama especially if it'll downplay Mirage's character again, or worse... ruin it. Unless Mirage will be gaining a love interest? Or vise versa...? It's a smaller concern but one I feel is odd for Macross; normally the love triangle is the last thing resolved so this does feel a bit weird... right?

Anyway, at least it doesn't come out on Blu-Ray till like 2020 so my wallet won't suffer like it did during the last movie ($80 for a recap movie is insane; next time I'll save my money and buy Banana Fish volumes).
- Enemy: Perhaps Lady M? And the Chao's organization? Who has a beef with the NUNS? Using the Winderemere for their own purpose? We haven't heard much from them, so I think this might be a good opportunity to introduce them as villains.
- Love triangle scenario and still with the Freyja and Hayate route: Hayate becomes more self-aware and there are actual interactions between three. Mirage and Freyja become close friends with each other. Out of concern of realizing that Freyja is withering away --the TV series and the first movie keeps mentioning Freyja's skin condition which seems like a good chance to create the whole drama-- and the deep relationship between Freyja and Hayate, Mirage confesses to Hayate to move on. Of course, she's rejected. This leaves Hayate, who also knows about the skin condition, and Freyja to have their final moments with each other.

Last edited by relentlessflame; 2018-09-28 at 18:49. Reason: Edited out reply to previous comment
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