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Old 2018-09-26, 20:18   Link #16
An... Historian OOOH-
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Nyan Nyan's
Age: 37
Originally Posted by charles883 View Post
Will you stop obsess with Frontier already. If everyone like you, you wont have Frontier at all as Macross fan just want sequal of first cast as they want only Minmay.
You clearly don’t realize a lot of us have been around for decades if not 1982 (there are people that old here) and we have been in the fandom and seen it go through the motions over it’s 35 year run. Clearly. Look, get where you might be coming from, a lot of people here like Frontier a lot, myself included. But that’s because the different stories within the franchise have left us with expectation.
I know plenty of people who like or hate one or the other. Many people I’ve seen since… post episode 13 of Delta who have really disliked this particular series.
Since Yot-chan likes to troll here, I’m gonna go to the finale thread of Delta on MacrossWorld and summarize the opinion a member’s opinion there, that many, myself included, agreed with. We were hoping Delta would pick up after 13, flashing out the characters and getting into the meat of the story. This never happened. Which is why Delta was a let down.
Say what you want about any of the Macross stories, they always delivered. The trifecta of space opera – giant robots – love triangle worked. Even with a non-resolution it made sense. Macross 7 is a kids show run by a person who is known for directing kids shows. And it works in that context. Delta does not.
Delta wanted to be the idol anime Macross. Problem is, Kawamori already made that series. It’s called AKB0048.

Originally Posted by charles883 View Post
I wonder if they bring in corrupt NUNS officer from the series in the movie as one of the villain in the movie.
Oh god. This again.
Windermere was an isolated and primitive culture. The Nuns arriving shook them to the core. Roid’s entire purpose is to prove that the Wind were the supreme race. They were not. They were a failure. A race stronger than the Zentraedi, but wit ha 30+year lifespan and a medieval society. They joined the treaty to get tech and weapons. Grace used fold quartz to destroy Galia IV. The NUNS restricted the distribution of fold quartz. Gramia went against this because the only other thing we see, in Delta, that they can profit off of, is water and apples. Gramia started the war over selling the materials for weapons of mass destruction. Everything was their fault. Nuns made shitty moves, but the catalyst to every single one of those was Windermere + once Roid came into play, their superiority complex.
How is this hard to get? The Nuns were sketchy? Yeah. The wind are literal Space nazis. Roid put a planet into a collective coma
S’bout it. Have a good one and all.

Originally Posted by charles883 View Post
I have sneaky suspicious that movie 2 feature more clone of star singer as possible villain. In the series Mikumo flashback shows there 3 other Star singer. Most likely villain clone other star singer and use them for their plan.
Mikumo is already a clone. This is the most boring idea for a plot. No offense. I'd rather they go with the Big Bad Nuns plot. Even if they end up hypocritical.
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