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Old 2018-09-23, 13:41   Link #13
Best Girl Connoisseur
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Trinidad & Tobago
Age: 28
^The thing with standard shonen MCs is that a few compromises can be made to compensate for their rash behaviour/idiocy.

1. They can be a natural genius at fighting despite being a hopeless idiot 3/4 of the time. (This is the usual route that a standard shonen MC follows)

2. They can naturally/organically grow and further their abilities by receiving training from a sensei/senpai/rival/other character.

3. They receive outside assistance while fighting via communication device or bystanders giving them little hints/pointers as to what the enemy's habits or weaknesses are.

Black Torch's MC is a mix of 1 and 3. He showed adaptability when fighting and he would get advice/assistance from Rago or his teammates on how to effectively use his powers. It's a shame we won't get to see what he's capable of without Rago tho.

Conversely, Yuuji from Jujutsu Kaisen would be a mix of 1 and 2. Not so much a genius, but he has a general idea of how to combat impurities and he's currently receiving training from Not-Kakashi in the most unconventional way possible. lol
"When there is evil in this world that justice cannot defeat, would you taint your hands with evil to defeat evil? Or would you remain steadfast and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?" - Lelouch vi Britannia as Zero.
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