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Old 2018-09-20, 10:41   Link #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2015
^ You are slow. And no, it's 10 days and I am sure a few hydrogen bombs could do that. The 3 months were to the other side (Empire).

^^ Him crafting it was understandable, I would too in his situation. I just feel that it makes no sense to throw in guns so soon from the story perspective. Firstly guns are much more complex than all the other things he is crafting and secondly, it makes them massively OP against the Kingdom staying armies. And I just dislike guns in fantasy as a whole too.

As for crossbows, I feel they are overestimated in J fantasy. The advantages are relative ease of use and piercing power, but the cost is immense especially compared to the low cost of people. They also have a much shorter range and rate of fire is pitiful. Also suitable mostly for straight firing and unsuitable for firing from city walls. On the other hand, you don't need such a long training to fire a bow. All you need is being able to fire in the general direction and distance of the enemy and some of the arrows will hit by itself, hundred of people firing and thoasands of enemies in close formation, it might actually be more effective to fire randomly than to fire precisely and waste time and getting massive overkills because of multiple people shooting the same person.
In other words, it's not like crossbows weren't used because of bad technology, it just wasn't worth using them. The only exception would be hunting where they excel.

As for fantasy, I feel that small crossbow bolt would be quite weak against huge monsters, even weaker than already weak arrows.
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