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Old 2018-09-06, 09:16   Link #282
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Sorry but nowadays there no mecha movie other than Mazinger Z movie and its quite good but its super robot genre which different than Real robot. Sad times as mecha anime movie become rare. To me Delta movie are better than Frontier movie 1 but Frontier movie 2 are better.

But I do really dislike Roid as a character in general. While I could sympathize with Keith for his brother's condition (who's is used like a tool by both his father and supposed best friend later on) and also other Knights who really didn't wanna fight the war (Bogue is not in this area) but had to... Roid's motivation always felt... shallow and pointless. This guy wants to join everyone into a hive mind for peace? Has this guy seen any media in said genre? It never works. Exhibit A: Fallout. Period
Roid motivation , I kinda understand. As he research on his own race, many of his race has meet criteria of true successor of Protoculture like having Fold receptor, strongest micron race. fast learner and latest creation except 1 most important criteria: lifespan as Windermere are shortest compare to other Protoculture race. For all his talk on Windermere are chosen one, he painfully aware that they are not due to their short lifespan and in long term, they are most likely will died out. That why he was desperate save his race by enact hive mind after he found out that ruin device only compatible with fold receptor, he wants Windermere to become eternal race and free from curse of their lifespan even though he did it in wrong way. This highlight when Walkure sense his sorrow and despair during final battle in the movie.

Its seems that in the movie Roid plan actually going more smoothly and faster time than series. It seems that Roid has been planning hive mind plan right from beginning as his plan going more slowly than movie version as different was Gramia died earlier in the movie than series. It look like that Gramia actually interfere Roid plan as Gramia only care for revenge on NUNS and does not think on long term on his people. No wonder Roid kill him as he knew Gramia will continue interfere Roid plan without Gramia knowing it.

Last edited by charles883; 2018-09-07 at 09:56.
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