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Old 2006-07-25, 06:55   Link #22
Holy Beast ~Wuff!~
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by musouka
Only in people's imaginations. The "debate" about their gender is ridiculous, and reminds me of those people that insisted that Wolfram was a girl back when KKM had just started airing.

Unfortunately, alot of people has had the assumption that the Anime will follow the game.

If you have played the game you know they missed out alot of things, the anime is significantly different.

For someone who has not played the game, it is very easy for them to assume the twins are female, at this moment in time the anime has done NOTHING to change that preception.

And I suspect it could be easier for Kyoani to leave it as that.

As long as they do not provide any evidence to disapprove this, it is safe to say they are female.
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