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Old 2006-07-23, 23:58   Link #55
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
I find it is often pretty arbitrary where a piece of music gets assigned a genre label.
The Rolling Stones are labeled "rock" but 95% of their music is just amplified country-western. Early ZZTop is Texas Blues, whereas their later stuff is disco rock. Jethro Tull is classed as "rock" though many of their pieces are closer to contemporary classical or jazz. Emerson, Lake, and Palmer were always miscast as "rock" when they were mostly jazz or avant-garde.
In addition, many of the good artists slide across several genres.
Hell, DMC and Aerosmith's rendition of "Walk This Way"... whats that?
I could take most of the better recent artists and kick the crap out of their "assignment to genre" so anymore I just say which artists I like. My music collection is pretty eclectic.

Category missing: "Most of the above".... so I went with "Other". This is about like my multi-racial friends and relatives who rail at those numbing stupid employment application forms that require you to pick one and only one imaginary race (or the poor HR person will have to guess).
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