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Old 2018-06-21, 08:40   Link #4612
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Originally Posted by Darius Drake View Post
^ True, but, remember, this story is being published now (even if the publishing is nowhere near the online version of the story). That means that it has editors checking and "correcting" things to "suit the target audience".

Honestly, though, I feel like it being as it is without clarification is probably going to be the way they go, both short and long term. If they "clarify" it to mean the newly expected "changed" meaning, that makes Makoto's actions to kill them less of a mercy and means that the person who was devastated by their deaths is actually in the right. This would mean that Makoto killed them without good reason, something that most power fantasy's like this try to avoid. It would also bring people to dislike Makoto, particularly those how know those who have been previously suicidal. Basically, it'll bring bad feels all around for something that could be avoided by being vague, or keeping it as "they were magically brainwashed for so long that it changed their mental 'landscape' to fit the brainwashing".
Speaking of published version, how many chapters has it covered so far?
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