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Old 2018-06-21, 04:57   Link #4610
Seiso Academy Student
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Originally Posted by Random123654 View Post
To be entirely fair, it came across as Makoto didn't cure them because they were principled and honest people and it was (implied that it was) almost certain they would commit suicide after being cured. I don't think it outright stated that, but I remember the chapter where Makoto realized he read their memories and got a 'grasp' on their personality very heavily implying that.

Guess the logic was 'better they just die easily' rather than 'free them from the charm so they'll feel terrible and depressed and then commit suicide'.

It's actually that particular situation that made me think the author might want to retcon the whole 'Charm will eventually become permanent even if the charm is removed' thing (which I'm certain was stated). Because that part highly implied they'd commit suicide if the charm was removed, despite how long they'd been charmed (to the point that they should have just continued to be in love with Tomoki).
I hope not it would be obvious route if that happen. ~_~
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