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Old 2018-06-16, 23:52   Link #4602
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Join Date: Mar 2017
Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Yeah Tomoki can create zombie state, but once he dead (which wouldn't take long) they regain their sanity and lives goes on.

Hibiki investigating Makoto is also nothing special. Hibiki gave up on getting Makoto on her side, but Kuzunuha became one of mayor powers on continent. Even if he was saint, he is still walking nuke as well it's important know as much possibly about his movement. It's not just Hibiki, every major nation keep tab on him as much as possible, that comes with this level of power. It's same in out power too.
It's not as simple as 'their lives go on'. He's ruining peoples' relationships and lives - it's been heavily implied that a significant number of people would commit suicide due to the things they did while charmed. Given the info has felt sort of back-and-forth, it was stated at one point that if they're charmed long enough that the charm 'lingers over' and would cause them to feel like they're still in love even if it was removed (this was straight up stated at some point, though based on other bits I feel like the author kind of wanted to retcon it).

If everyone was brainwashed - their lives completely and utterly derailed - and suddenly released all at once, it wouldn't just be a simple 'oh cool', it would be utter pandemonium. People committing suicide, lamenting over what they've done, depression, possibly paranoia and such. Quite likely riots from anyone not just curled up in a ball and sobbing/committing suicide. They still have all the memories of themselves doing shit they didn't want to do, and though they knew 'they' weren't in control, they still recall doing the deeds.
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