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Old 2018-06-11, 18:17   Link #79
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Location: The Big Apple
Age: 30
Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Sorry but that sounds like a very minor change and really for the better. You don't have to be a paragon of justice to want to stop a bank robber when you have the powers she has. I'm not a fan of that kind of edgelordism. And it served as a better basis for Saten's character drama where her first impression of Mikoto played a fundamental role.
1. That adaptation change literally throws away three important points about her. Her bratty nature, her entitled nature, and her abuse and absurd reliance on her power are all part of her character arc and the manga establishes all in this scene while reinforcing it with others. But they're all thrown away because...can't make everyone's waifu FLAWED, right?
2. The fun part is that I don't think Saten was even there in the manga. The manga served to create a solid basis for her character drama without creating an OOC moment.
3. The idea that a teenager wouldn't really get involved in something unless it pissed her off is not 'edgelordism'.
4. You claim it's a minor change, but these 'minor' changes add up and turn the series and its characters into something entirely different. Replacing and changing the order of events does that to the point where the manga and anime feel completely different. I know too many people who watched the anime first and read the manga and felt that.
Here's another example. At the end of the Seventh Mist incident, Mikoto is the one who proudly proclaims her spiel about hard work and tells of how she rose from Level 1 in the manga, showing a bit of that pride and her own entrenched belief in a just-world fallacy as opposed to Kuroko being the one to give the spiel in the anime. Said belief is toned down heavily as it's a character flaw.

Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Again, that sounds like such a minor change to me. And again, it's probably for the best too. As interesting as Accelerator is after the incident, the forced manor in which the franchise has tried to redeem Accelerator by forcing his killing of 10,000 Misaka clones in a different context has been one of the more retarded aspects of the franchise, imo. And for the record, that's my opinion based off the Index adaptation.
It really isn't minor. It contradicts everything established about his character. It paints him in a darker light than the one in which he actually is. He's not a morally upright character (he's definitely not right in the head in the Sisters Arc), but the placement of his finger chewing scene in the novels feeds in very well to both his motives and his cognitive dissonance that became a part of his character. In the anime it's 'Look how fucking crazy and evil he is. He chews the flesh of his enemies and treats them as lower than gum on the sidewalk.' So, yes. That one scene is not minor. It's actually quite a major fuck-up. And that's just a small number of his screw-ups. I have a super comprehensive list (not made by me) that goes through a number of them for the non-filler arcs.

Originally Posted by Haak View Post
Besides, these are all writing issues. You can't pin all that on the director unless you're 100% sure it was him. Getting upset over such minor changes that you aren't even sure are from the director or not really does prove that the hate was overblown.
Yet all of this gets past him. He is responsible. As the one in probably the highest position, if he doesn't have the sagacity to put his foot down, he is responsible. If he was the one who did it, he's responsible. No matter what, responsibility lies with him.

Everything you said seems to be trying to deflect or dismiss criticism as 'minor' or 'overblown'.

Last edited by Hiss13; 2018-06-11 at 18:36.
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