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Old 2006-07-19, 13:45   Link #5
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
Most likely the best adaptation of the game to anime episode I have seen recently for Higurashi. Sure, it still left out some pieces here and there, but this one was paced quite evenly.

I was surprised to hear that they used Kobayashi Yuu for Satoshi. Hmm, perhaps she'll was the one selected in advance for Satoshi in future drama CDs? Nice to know as she is becoming one of my favorite seiyuus ever since her excellent role as Secchan in those Negima CDs.

Mika-P crying for over 2 and a half minutes! Now that's a great professional voice acting work right there!

And I guess my theory was indeed correct: kids living in rural areas back before the eras of video games are more energetic and powerful. Must be the excercise and they get everyday going out into the woods.
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