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Old 2018-03-12, 12:59   Link #68
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by Heroman Jr. View Post
Tatsuya is already trying to change the status quo with his reveal of his ESCAPES Project. The project is meant to help give magicians an alternative to their careers and show that magic is useful for industries other than those connected to the military. Compared to Dione which is a long term project, ESCAPES tries to bring immediate benefit by focusing efforts on earth rather than space development.
The reason I'm confused is that, basing on the illustrations and spoilers, Tatsuya formally announces ESCAPES and yet here comes Tomitsuka still insisting that Tatsuya goes to USNA regardless. I know that the Dione affair was further complicated because Tatsuya was keeping silent and being uncooperative because he realized the true intention of said project but the announcement of ESCAPES should have, at the very least, lessened some of the complaints/dissatisfaction of the community while providing for a good reason to justify not participating in Dione. I really just want to know what was going on in Tomitsuka's mind aside from anger at his mother's situation that would give him the motivation to confront Tatsuya, a member of the 10 master clans and part the most feared magician family in japan. And to think this is the same guy who lost a duel because he supposedly got distracted by the sexy.
The problem I have with Minoru is (based on the Volume 25 preview) why didn't he first contact Yuuka through Tatsuya since her family handles MCA overheating or the makers of the Sakura series.
Sorry for the long post, I'll probably get my answers once there's a detailed summary.
ESCAPES was not accepted by everyone and Tatsuya even mention to Aoba that it will cause conflicts and wars.

More conflicts and wars means more magicians needed for the army because ESCAPES doesn't stop them from being weapons. It just add batteries to what they can do (for people wondering why I call it battery, it's because magicians have to refresh the spells on the solar furnace which means they lose psions like batteries lose charge when powering something).

Tomiskuta didn't start a fight with Tatsuya, he made a deal with Miyuki/Minami that if he beat Minami in combat Miyuki would allow him to talk to Tatsuya.

We have no idea why Minoru enter in conflict with Tatsuya in vol 25, but he seems to have merged with Zhou (who is like a parasite now) in this volume (looks like it happened before this volume) so I wouldn't blame him for it.

The other people attacking Tatsuya this volume (outside Igor) are anti-magician activists when he present ESCAPES.
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