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Old 2018-02-25, 21:26   Link #42
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: United States
Indra saw Issei as a potential threat which was warranted as the Heavenly Dragons and their hosts don't have the best reputations. And that was back in Volume 10 so it's not consistent with the way Indra feels now. Everyone would kill Issei if he became a threat. For example Azazel had Kiba train to create dragon slayers in case Issei went Juggernaut Drive again. So Azazel must be evil since he saw Issei as a potential threat like Indra did. You think a few months of worthy accomplishments is going to wipe away centuries of rampage and destruction? We're talking about a god that's thousands of years old. A few months is nothing to him.

And Indra only said 'if he becomes a threat.' Don't take that out of context because of your bias against Indra.
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