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Old 2006-07-16, 14:46   Link #47
Snobby Gentleman
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Monterrey, México
Age: 43
Able to catch up with episode 13.

The movie feel continues to impress me.

The effect that the camera pans on the wind striking on Hakuoro's pace to mean the storm is casted or the feelings of bliss with the close shots at Eruruu's gentle smile.
I also treasure most the few moments of absolute silence when Eruruu and Hakuoro come to terms with their intimate feelings.

IMO I believe both spend the night together, since on the next morning everyone where looking for them respectively and both Urotorii and Karura subtlely nodded to keep silence; Karura even playfully teased Eruruu when the latter was going to deliver meal to Hakuoro.

The cinematography of the camera and the soundtrack on the battlefield was verosimile; Touka pulls out a graceful display of swordsmanship.

And climaxes with Orikakaan witnessing Hakuoro's transformation into the shadow of an unknown beast, yet Hakuoro himself seems unchanged and is terrified at how Orikakaan is sighting him.

Heavens, please! No more Yue cackling is tasteless and annoying.
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