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Old 2018-01-05, 08:46   Link #48
Me, An Intellectual
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: UK
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Gan_HOPE326 View Post
I mean, yeah, but groups of close friends in that age range being gender-homogeneous aren't that weird. So in itself I don't see it as a problem. It's part of the premise. I'm not repelled by "ZOMG THIS SHOW HAS CUTE GIRLS IN IT". I think most CGDCT shows end up being quite vapid, but that's their problem, and the fact that they focus on empty repetitive shenanigans. Here there's already a progression outline, a hard to obtain target, character motivations and the possibility for an arc. It's far more than what happens when you get five moeblobs gathering for the N-th "technically has an objective but actually does nothing" club.
True but these aren't close friends. It seems that the main cast is going to be a group of strangers who all happen to have a similar goal and who all just happen to be cute girls. I didn't mind so much in Sound Euphonium either until it became strangely apparent how skewed the gender ratio was in that band.

It's not really that big of deal to me. Like you said, this show is considerably less vapid than other extreme CGDCT shows. It's just a minor pet peeve of mine, like one of those "once you see it, you can't unsee it" things.

Originally Posted by nojay View Post
There's show-jumping, dressage and three-day-eventing, Olympic sports which are gender-neutral where the winners are not segregated by sex. I know of mixed rowing competition classes where the crews are equal numbers of men and women but those classes are not yet recognised at the Olympic level. Mixed doubles in tennis?
I'm eagerly anticipating the next Dressage anime.

I forgot Gin no Saji!
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