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Old 2017-11-26, 15:43   Link #13
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Originally Posted by Requiem-x View Post
You thought it was a Maru episode? Too bad, it's Ruby's!

Well, definetly can't complain about Ruby getting more screentime, and since this will be a two parter, there's more imouto to look forward to. Same with Lia (what the hell is up with those subs?!), who finally showed some emotion besides discomfort and anger.

On the expected side, I sure didn't exect that to happen to the rivals. No wonder they (or Seira, rather, and again, what is up with that translation?) were being set up as friendly previously, since you probably aren't supposed to do the Nelson laugh at their screw up. Gotta admit, a part of me feels dissatisfied, but I can let go. Could tthis mean the third years leaving will be handled differently this time? I hope so. I want Mezashi to dedicate a bit of time to this new ship.
Umm, Sarah & Leah are the official translation of the St. Snow..
Comparing Amanchu & Aria is like comparing Aquors with Muse.

While comparing Tamayura with Aria is more like comparing Vividred with SW.
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