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Old 2006-07-12, 16:26   Link #41
It's bacon!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Up and to the Left
Age: 44
I don't know wtf is up with "Ka Ka Ka" guy. I mean, previous episodes have it that you could see where he's trying to push Hakuoro over the edge to do something stupid, but, then it comes out as, "Ha Ha,! I'm trying to make you angry to bring out the beast within you!" ...or to some extent. But if perhaps seen as some game now, will Hakuoro even play it?

At best, "Ka Ka Ka" guy probably just wanted to reaffirm that something is really messed up with Hakuoro, to Hakuoro. As perhaps to force Hakuoro to question himself further. But as Eruruu had made it, this battle Hakuoro will not have to fight alone.

Preparation H...

...just checking. Just checking.
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