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Old 2017-07-24, 21:35   Link #40
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Chile
Aiwass could be Aleister's treasure in the sense that, coming from a Phase where the supernatural does not exist, I imagine the only way an Angel could exist would be if a mortal "ascends". That would explain the difference between the machine-like Gabriel Touma met, and Aiwass with his excess of personality. What I still don't understand is why does Aleister need to make Espers evolve. After destroying all the Mystical, IS IT NECESSARY to fill the void with Gods who ascended from mortal existence?

At least now we know of TWO forms imagine breaker took before Touma. The right hand of a Saint, and the Arrow. What we still don't know is if it was still attached to whatever the Invisible Thing is during said iterations. Given that as an arrow, its purpose was to push back a being summoned during a ritual that's gone wrong, it is very likely Touma's hand houses a demon... If it is still growing as Aiwass said, maybe it feeds on the remains of what IB negates. But then again, what is the Even Greater Power that held back the Invisible Thing in the fight against Fiamma?

By the way, when was Corozon summoned? Back when Aleister was making the Work Kit? And how could Aleister (and Kamachi) justify "losing" Imagine Breaker... sounds like pure stupidity... Ahhhh, f*ck, the author did it again. The Kamisato arc actually bored me, and the NT 17 was almost the last straw, but this one reinvigorated my interest in the series, and I've been left with such a cliffhanger... I hope that with the chance of the Invisible Thing being a Demon, and Corozon introduction, Demons will be explained in soon, but hopefully, it will be a fast explanation.

I expected more from the Blasting Rod, but I guess simple is elegant. Also, it shows how Aleister HAD to kill his mentor. The Rod is a prime example of "shifting the cost", as it is just as, if not even more convenient that the purpose of the Kit AND the objective of the Golden Cabal. If that "cost shifting" contributed to all Aleister rejected and hated, then he had to kill him.


... Weird and unlikely thought, but could Touma be one of the Aleisters? THE ONE who instead of seeking to understand and hating the illogical world, chooses to accept things, move on, and just push onwards? The kind of idiot who instead of questioning everything, accepts it? The kind who, in face of all the weird sh*t he has faced, has never bothered to ASK anyone the details about his right hand, or the details of world affairs? The kind who waits until the 18th volume of the sequel series to actually learn the name of the main(ish?) villain that has screwed up his life? What kind of person doesn't ask questions?

... Given that Aleister is not done for, I predict that the confrontations will be Touma (+FemiAleister) vs Aleister(s), Accelrator vs Aiwass (f*cking round two baby)... then who could Hamazura face?

Last edited by Javiersansano; 2017-07-24 at 21:47. Reason: Had to add more info
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