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Old 2017-07-22, 17:59   Link #35
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Join Date: Oct 2014
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Another theory I have is that Coronzon is not complete yet because in Crowley believe is that the real Chorozon name had a "h" in it and any Coronzon which out that is not the real one but this could just be something to do which the Japanese to English Translation like the whole Laura and Lola thing.

Also a theory I have is that Lola want to die not Coronzon and I am using how she acted in the movie special thing which how she said it so sad not to be about to die about the immoral girl.

Here a theory about what was going on in the Railgun manga in the Mikoto LVL6 shift about how her personality would be destory at the 53% on the path to LVL6 and that the Black Hand were trying to get Mikoto to use the Black Sphere in someway to have her kill herself so she could become something new or to destroy all the human thing she care about so she would stop fighting against the change.

If this theory is true about Mikoto then Accel is going to have to give something up to past the 53% mark on the path to LVL6 and this does make sense because if you notice something was alway gave up before the Magic Gods became Magic Gods.
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