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Old 2017-01-30, 09:23   Link #87
Pew Pew Pew!
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Buttfuck Nowhere, Canada
Originally Posted by obelisk ze tormentor View Post
i prefer them to focus on actual alien species that actually looks and feels alien. Please stop it with the cat-people and other tropy species. What is this? Jrpg? We need more alien species & alien worlds that are never seen before. Not planets which are middle-east ripoff, iceland ripoff and asgard ripoff (from saint seiya). I mean, this is supposed to be the far side of the galaxy yet they are using norse names without even modifying them? Heck, they even used apples for the fruit that's supposed to be native from alien world! Where is the creativity here? Even i can come up with a made-up alien fruit without getting paid for the script. But the guys who were actually paid to write it came up with apples! Apples!! How lazy can they be?! They don't even came up with new-ish names like zentradi or protodeviln for the villains (they used the ordinary "windermere" instead). And i think the zolans and their parasitic/simbiotic pets are more interesting alien species compared to the discount-mermans in delta (the less we talk about the cat-people the better). Lazy as heck. So yeah, more otherworldly-aliens (preferrably as villains) and less human-like aliens, please. This is not star trek, they can actually make a variety of imaginative and "out there" alien species without much budgetary constraints. But no, cat-people it is *sigh* i demand more creativity in the future macross outings.

Thank. You.
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