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Old 2017-01-30, 09:08   Link #86
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Originally Posted by HirouKeimou View Post
You misunderstood or misread me here:
Your "overseas audiences are worthless counters" was a response to my "Macross 7 x Gundam Destiny" right? I mean, the point of my argument is this:
Macross 7: weak plot, generally loathed overseas, generally loved in Japan.
Gundam SEED Destiny: weak plot, generally loathed overseas, generally loved in Japan.

If you consider Macross 7 a good series (like in your comments), then I can say that Destiny is also a good series since both share similar traits. If Destiny is a good series then the combination of SEED+Destiny will make for a good series and that's a major plus for the Gundam TV series overall because it changed what many consider to be one of the worst series into a good series, and that means more edge for the "Gundam vs Macross" argument. We cannot have double-standard here.

Originally Posted by HirouKeimou View Post
If Kawamori cared about overseas opinions, a new project legitimately would not be announced for a couple more years because of how negatively received Delta is for overseas fans.
(Also, if they did care, over here we've all been screaming for an official sub release of Frontier with no reply for years.)

It's very normal for Japan or any company to focus on the fanbase within their own country, and sales. Their concern for overseas fans is based on if it'll be worth sending their content in for a country to dub/sub it for release in their native tongue, that's it. Series which fail overseas don't always follow through in Japan; for instance, Guilty Crown has less negativity in Japan than it does overseas and gained an OVA. The OVA did not feature anything new in the area which sold best overseas, a.k.a. soundtrack, but Japan loved it.

The complaint on this isn't always Japan, though; you can attribute it to any country in general. If it fails overseas, they'll be less concerned than if it falls flat on its face in their own country.

Apparently, Delta sold enough within Japan for the Macross franchise to kick off a new TV series (unless other information reveals it's all planned ahead of time, which I'm biased about at this point). Kawamori believes enough in his fanbase in Japan that he has sold enough Blu-rays, albums, and merchandise so he can do a new project. The fact he's not falling on Aquarion, though... like he typically has once completing a new Macross ever since 2002... it's a big sign that Logos has not been received all too good in Japan too.
Not my point. Next...

Originally Posted by HirouKeimou View Post
I don't know about this, because it's a stable piece for Macross each run;
At least don't let the love triangle become something that feels unnaturally tacked on or detrimental to the overall story.

Originally Posted by HirouKeimou View Post
however, I'd love for a bit more focus on the Protoculture.
This, I agree.

Originally Posted by HirouKeimou View Post
If there is a new alien species, let's focus on it more? Because, honestly, Frontier and Delta failed at really introducing new alien species. Aside from Windermere, Voldor had human-feline hybrids which are glossed over; and culture for their people is not really explained at all. Similar issue in Frontier, albeit less obvious, because Vajra culture is glossed over; eating fold quartz for survival, heart in belly, communicate via fold waves, and Aimo is love song--all good, but this does not tell us how the Vajra live outside of the hive mind or none of their habitat (in the TV series, the Queen lives on a barren rock field and in the movie she is in a crater surrounded by grass? excuse me, "summit" is a better word...).

I'm all for a new alien species as long as it's interesting...
I prefer them to focus on actual alien species that actually looks and feels alien. Please stop it with the cat-people and other tropy species. What is this? JRPG? We need more alien species & alien worlds that are never seen before. Not planets which are middle-east ripoff, iceland ripoff and Asgard ripoff (from Saint Seiya). I mean, this is supposed to be the far side of the galaxy yet they are using Norse names without even modifying them? Heck, they even used apples for the fruit that's supposed to be native from alien world! Where is the creativity here? Even I can come up with a made-up alien fruit without getting paid for the script. But the guys who were actually paid to write it came up with apples! Apples!! How lazy can they be?! They don't even came up with new-ish names like Zentradi or Protodeviln for the villains (they used the ordinary "Windermere" instead). And I think the Zolans and their parasitic/simbiotic pets are more interesting alien species compared to the discount-mermans in Delta (the less we talk about the cat-people the better). Lazy as heck. So yeah, more otherworldly-aliens (preferrably as villains) and less human-like aliens, please. This is not Star Trek, they can actually make a variety of imaginative and "out there" alien species without much budgetary constraints. But no, cat-people it is *sigh* I demand more creativity in the future Macross outings.

Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
We have Sunrise proving repeatedly that rushed sequels suck.
In terms of Gundam, it looks like Sunrise actually learned something after the rushed Destiny. They let visionary writers & directors plan their Gundam series and Sunrise don't rush sequels anymore. Gundam 00 S2 & IBO S2 was pretty much planned ahead and resulted in a good outcome. But I dont know whether or not they have learned their lesson when it comes to Code Geass though. CG R2 was...not exactly good overall and the upcoming CG R3 looks like unnecessary cashgrab.
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