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Old 2017-01-30, 01:14   Link #63
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
You are definitely reading it the wrong way. If Delta is successful they would have announced a Delta film or small OVA to go with the anniversary announcement.

The fact is they were never going to abandon Macross as a franchise, no matter how badly Delta was received. But it is telling that any further animation projects involving Delta is now dead, now that they have announce the next show to replace it.

The rights holders are clearly uncomfortable with Delta and isn't willing to let it be the most recent representative of the franchise for 5+ years. Remember that every other Macross TV series had much larger gaps in between. They might even felt that the Delta toys and merchandise would have a lack of long term prospects, and needed them replaced early.

They could simply decide that the new show's idol would be voiced by a veteran instead of a no-name.
Let's hope they are perceiving it that way, which means we might get a better product in the end and more than we bargained for.

Secondly, I really don't mind them going with a seiyuu and a singer that's picked from existing artists pool whether old and new. Maybe we'll be able to get away from having three consecutive female leads in the same mold (not saying Ranka and Freyja are clones of each other)
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