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Old 2016-11-25, 19:15   Link #422
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Age: 32
Originally Posted by Trov View Post
It's gonna be a while. Chapters can get seriously long.

Yes, Tomoe is besties with his sis. Sis must never know or she'll blow a lid.

Shinguuji Ryou. Basically Ranked 3rd in the school. Also a returnee. Childhood friends with Tomoe, much to his regret. Currently doing everything in his power to set her up with Shinichi because he's the only one that can control her.
Also that friend would be the hero.

They kinda already know there's another world due the end of the Exam arc.


As for status. Earth and Garest are missing the most important stat of all . Skill. Skill determines how much power you can bring out of your other stats.
Shinichi for example, currently has S+ in skill. So even if he's all Ds', he can overwhelm most others even with there AAA stats in other areas because there Skill stat is probably around E or D.(Earth side tends to be E with Garestians tend to be D, most likely due to pure combat experience.)
Knowledge from Farandia coming out will expose those this. And with many factions in Farandia whating to track down Masquerade, it's hinted they will find their way there at one point and cause a huge commotion.
Anyway, The last summary was up to 4-83-03. Now here's the rest.:
Spoiler for 04-83-04 through 04-83-07:

Spoiler for 04-83-08:

Spoiler for 04-84-01 & 04-84-02:
I already know about the missile, and so on, but this is why i have wrote that; because he is still hiding, there is not a "break" in the "status quo" of the world yet because no one got to know about "hidden status (skill stat)" , but once they start the exchange with the other world, those things like "skill stat" ,will break the current "status Quo" that they are having, mainly because the demon princess is a battle freak, she will keep going until the end, and no one on the current earth can stop her besides shinichi.
The novel itself gives a lot of background of how the current earth is mainly focused on status (normal ones), we have personal history with the MC and his mother, that the main rift is because she does not want to believe that a "All C" could survive and so on, so once this stigma of "status" is being broken, it will be by when her arrives, and this was the point of my previous post, once she comes ,the shit will hit the fan, because the entire "current" society is molded after a system that it is fact very flawed because it does not "complete" analyze all the status, there is the "hidden" status that is the skill one, and this will cause disorder, mainly because the current world can not measure that status, there is many people would there, that is called trash, but may have a OP skill status, and once this come to light, it will be a huge thing for them.
hell, if i'm not mistaken one of the terrorists, "motives/reason to be" is the status itself, they do not want to accept to have their society ruled by something like that.
I'm still learning english , sorry for the mistakes.

Last edited by m4rc0s; 2016-11-25 at 20:57.
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