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Old 2016-10-06, 20:37   Link #85
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Originally Posted by Father Hentai View Post
Thanks. While I think others will still disagree that her character development is actually fine in terms of showing her growth, I'd answer that the series were too short and Hayate and Freyja were more in focus. We can only hope they pimp her character a bit if they will ever bring out a movie of delta.
I agree.
During its air, I missed a number of her developments because obviously I viewed weekly and life happened; however, re-watching it has shown how she does grows as a character regardless of her role in the love triangle. The issue is, she is not shown as an MC in terms of screen time; however, I believe her role is even more so important for the other two MC in their growth.

People continuously dismiss this because we're insisting she's not big in the "love triangle," which is real bull because there is a number of areas where Freyja shippers logically believed she had a pull on him; because he hugged her in episode 13, held her hand in episode 19, and oh yes she confessed love and received an individual panel for him only in episode 20, and also she hugs him with her Valkyrie in episode 22; so it's not a "she's not big in the love triangle" thing, it's how little she contributes to her side of it which equates to it. Because, you know, thing is: Hayate is into Freyja, it's obvious how oblivious he is to this but Mirage picks it up, knows her chances are small but love is unpredictable; it's how her falling in love with him helps her grow as a person to admitting she fell into an unrequited love and is stronger for it because she learned how to overcome it and be a bigger person who supports her friends' happiness.

I liked her resolution in the love triangle because for once in a Macross, it's a genuine sign off from an unrequited love which feels like a character is resolved or strengthened by her loss. In fact, her loss is a lot similar to Minmei, who genuinely in DYRL conceded loss and basically implied "we're all still friends, right?" in her final scene, which is how Mirage's signing off by confessing her feelings and enforcing Freyja into her admission, too, is done also; especially by her holding her helmet and looking at her friends going off in the sky, shedding a single tear. It's a powerful scene, really...

Hopefully, if there is a movie, she'll be dropped from the love triangle because I'd like for her shine to be less because of "falling in love" with Hayate and more because she "adores his style of flying" (a.k.a. admiration vs. crush). And I'd like her to bond a little more with Freyja, of which she'll learn more about her homeland and culture (a missed opportunity in episode 23). Then again, I'd also like for Mikumo to be a little more focused on aside from "mysterious diva" for the first half. There's a list of things I'd love for more focus to go towards in a movie but I'll save it in hopes of if a movie does come and I'll post my hopes in a respective thread for it if it is announced. For now, I only hope for a movie adaption.
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