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Old 2016-10-03, 19:52   Link #39
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Animation Quality: 8 Delta had some episodes with great 2D animation specially for the concerts, but it also had some really bad ones, the 3D animation for the Valkyries was really good but I liked Frontier's cel-shaded style more.

Voice Actors: 8 They did a good job with the material they were given, no character sounded bad or weird.

Script: 5 The first half was good, nothing special but really good, then the second half started dragging on and adding plot lines after plot lines, and also making the characters say or do things that made no sense to me.

Soundtrack: 8 I remember just a few tracks of background music, but Walkure's songs were great except for 2 or 3 of them, the problem is that the songs used for the second cour were not tied to important or exciting events in those episodes so they are not as memorable as the ones from the first.

Editing: 7 It was fine most of the time, some of the shots for the dog fights were really good but that's it

Enjoyment: 7 Again, I enjoyed the first half very much and would watch it again, but I don't see myself watching the second half, maybe just episode 22, 24 and the finale.

Emotional Involvement: 6 My emotional involvement went really down around episode 11 or 13 because I ended up caring more for secondary characters like Kaname, Messer or Herman, I liked the main trio too, but between how Mirage's character was treated and how Freyja and Hayate acted in the later episodes, I found myself more exasperated than anything else at times.

Average: 7

Macross Delta was a series with tons of potencial, it had the lore, the designs, it had the music and it had the name, but somewhere along the production the staff dropped the ball really hard with the story and how they wanted to tell it to us.
Also a side note but I had to mention this, the Windermerians are perhaps the weakest and worst antagonists of all Macross IMO, they are maybe just above the Marduk.

Anyway, I still hope Delta can receive the Frontier treatment and get one or two movies retelling the whole story while changing some things and getting rid of filler and useless or bad plot lines, it would benefit a lot with something like that and maybe that way Delta would finally become a more worthy instalment in the Macross franchise.

Frontier (movies included)
PLUS = 7
Macross II
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