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Old 2016-09-25, 21:48   Link #84
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2016
As other mecha franchises get better, more mature and consistent , Macross on the other hand just devolves more and more with each franchise, being a macross fan since the age of 9 and having watched or read every single macross related product released I begin to realize that the show (especially the TV series) are becoming no more than an commercial for the new "shiny VF" toys and merchandise being produced, and that the cycle repeats repeats every 4 or 5 years (this is very evident after Macross Zero which is by the far the best of the franchise in recent years).

If Kawamori-san is unable to write a coherent story he should have delegated the job to someone that could, he is a brilliant mecha designer but not so much a writer / script, please bring back Ohnogi-san for the script .

I stuck with the show because of my loyalty and love of the franchise, but while watching Macross Delta i couldn't help but repeat in my mind "What are you guys DOING to Macross!!!"

the entire season had 3 good episodes and 1 "acceptable"

Good episodes:

Episode 1 : the introduction of the characters, the big reveal that the Protoculture seeded many races in the galaxy and that Humanity is not unique as "the children of the protoculture" (although a similar idea was introduced in an OVA for Macross 7 but not to this degree.

Episode 10: Messers death

Episode 19: The big reveal , the "lore" of the macross universe advanced by 0.000001% that day.

The "acceptable" Episodes

Episode 25: the penultimate episode , Mikumo reveal , music is a weapon etc etc

the rest of the season had so many holes in it would make cheese feel ashamed.

forgettable "entry" into the franchise at best.

Quick Edit: if there is another 26 episodes (season 2?) then this entry is still salvageable , otherwise the above holds.

Last edited by Kokojin; 2016-09-25 at 22:02. Reason: extra entry
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