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Old 2016-09-10, 09:45   Link #4
Smug AF Birb
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: You don't wanna know.
Age: 37
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Ahaha, its a YouSOLO ED this week. KILL ME

Guess I can properly move You up the rankings now, but she'll never take 1st and 2nd from ChikaRiko. What made me happy was that You's jealousy was resolved over talking with Mari and Riko, rather than Chika. Yes, Chika might be happier with Riko because they bond better, but You will always be that special friend that Chika can't replace.

*Special friendzoned that is

Dia is probably going to maintain her #3 spot purely based on the fact that her idea of special training is having everyone clean the pool because she forgot to do it herself

Mari might overtake Maru at #5 for me because she is really perceptive of how others feel. (You know, except for Kanan and Dia )

I don't know what else to talk about this episode. Riko finally got over her anxiety and Aqours as a whole had a great song at the end of the episode! That's about it really. Everyone else can get into long TL;DRish character analysis if they want to.

Edit: Hm, does this mean You wears contacts like Hanayo does outside of home?

Last edited by Windy; 2016-09-10 at 10:11.
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