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Old 2016-09-02, 14:57   Link #31
Gamilas Falls
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
If I understand the concept of the drive, it means they won't need to put fuel on the satelites, as their new drives won't need fuel, so they can correct their own orbits without expensive to carry fuel, sending a mission to correct its orbit (not longer viable without the space shuttles), or destroying it in some fashion.

Fuel is weight, and the less weight you put on an object, the more you can lift. The less fuel on satelites and other spacecraft, means they can but on more equipment, or just launch them for less money as they will be lighter, requiring less rocket fuel to get into orbit, or in the case of exploration vehicles, or mining drones, escape Earth's orbit.

Such a drive might make things like asteroid prospecting viable.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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