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Old 2016-08-14, 19:39   Link #24
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Originally Posted by Polarpew View Post

Also just because people aren't aware that they are in a bad situation doesn't justify not immediately helping them. It's like living with cancer, despite not being aware of it, your doctor does, but he delays treatment since A you're not aware, and B he can always treat you later as long as it's not terminal
That's a terrible analogy.

For starters, cancer gets worse over time, and treatment (which is always a risky business) gets more difficult and more traumatic the longer you leave it. Also, cancer is always terminal if left untreated (and a decent amount of time, even when treated - there is a very good reason cancer prognoses are given in percentage format), there's no such thing as non-terminal cancer.

Also, exactly what cancer treatment requires murdering another person? Is there some newly discovered form of cancer I don't know about, which is entirely non-fatal and where the most effective treatment is human sacrifice? I did a quick google search for 'cancer cured by stabbing another person to death', but I came up bust.

Not to mention, if that was a thing - a form of cancer only curable by murdering someone else - no society or medical organisation in the world would condone performing that treatment. We would do exactly what you just said, and delay the treatment of those patients while we searched for a better cure.

That's not remotely the same situation as the souls, who are not getting older, not getting sicker, never suggested to be suffering or even conscious, and if they are reincarnated, won't remember anything anyway, and who the prescribed way of freeing does actually involve killing someone.

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