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Old 2016-08-14, 14:19   Link #9
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Originally Posted by Polarpew View Post
Which is what you are all arguing for in terms of hollows being a person. If Nel for example is executed, everyone gets upset since she's a innocent and has a sense of self, but when reminded about the millions she contains within her, we go 'oh well it's a statistic because they are people without a face'.
You're kind of missing the point.

Your argument seems to be 'it's morally sound to kill one person to save hundreds or millions', but it's not. Nor is it morally sound to kill hundreds or millions to save one person. You can't stack up lives against each other, because you can't assign a value to a person's life.

In a situation like those with the innocent arrancar, where everybody involved is blameless and deserves personhood, all you can do is take the situation as presented to you, and at that point the dilemma comes down to whether an innocent, thinking, aware person should die, and that's not a choice anybody gets to make for someone else.

Now, if we're talking about preventing the creation of Adjuchas or Vasto Lordes by killing off Gillians with extreme prejudice, that's another matter altogether - it is a moral choice to prevent their creation. But once they become an Adjuchas or a Vasto Lorde, it's out of your hands.

The best thing that Soul Society could do is to search for a way to preserve the emergent personalities while freeing the souls in question - and everybody involved is immortal, so there's no time limit on that. Which, I mean, Soul Society has three brilliant scientists at its disposal, one of whom is an expert on Hollows, and two of whom are experts on creating souls, so they probably could do that if they put their minds to it.

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